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Realizzo il tuo Sogno

Antonio Marras contro ogni discriminazione ha partecipato all'iniziativa

Realizzo il tuo sogno

Collaborando con l’Associazione di Ravenna Realizzo il tuo sogno, il team di Antonio Marras e lo stilista stesso hanno esaudito il

desiderio di Alessandro: lavorare nella moda come fotomodello.

The boy, who recently turned 19, is unfortunately affected by a rare disease, Usher syndrome type 2, which is progressively attacking his vision. His hearing, nonetheless, has already been compromised by a benign tumor. Alessandro was able to fulfil his dream: he wasinvited to Nonostante Marras and took part in a photoshoot planned especially for him, a shoot intended to narrate the FW 22/23 collection.
Alessandro posed for five looks, after which he was involved in group photos dedicated to the  Marchesa Casati: 16 people, 16 of which boys and girls, 16 friends who enthusiastically participated in the performance interpreting 16 characters with ad hoc styling.

Nonostante Marras thanksfor carrying out the initiative:
Alessandro, the photografer Efisio Marras, Leo Marras and all his staff assistants, Maurizio Calabrò and his collaborators for the make-up, Claudio and Fabio for the hair-styling, Tonino Serra for the set design, and then Francesca Alfano Miglietti, Gianluca e Mirko, Fabio, Alessia, Jay, Andrea, Betsy, Alessio, Nettuno, Federica, Cristina, Ester, Emma, Enrico, Baly, Elvis, Francesca, Barbara, Jack e Carlina, who interpreted all the scenes.

To find out more about the association and its initiatives, please visit the website: